WMMA Discussion Thread

I figured Irene Aldana would be in the UFC by now. She looked promising. There was another Mexican fighter as well. Can't remember her name at the moment.

Zwingli - I figured Irene Aldana would be in the UFC by now. She looked promising. There was another Mexican fighter as well. Can't remember her name at the moment.



Are you referring to Alexa Grasso?


I remember another member saying that Alexa and Irene come as a package deal or something along those lines.  Dana was really impressed by Alexa and Irene may be fighting for the 135lb Invicta belt soon so lets wait and see what happens

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
Sunkist1207 - 

The thread below is reporting that Shayna was released today from the UFC



Upon checking the UFC site, Shayna is stil listed as a UFC fighter and her profile is still intact. Interesting that Jessamyn was given another fight even though she is also 0-2 in the UFC. I hate to see anyone lose thier job but if this is true,  this could be a blessing in disguise for Shayna. I have said in other threads that in my opinion, she either needs to leave CA and go start fresh at another gym or change her attitude towards her career . I know she has done some guest appearances for minor league wrestling promotions so that is an opportunity for her as well. In my opinion I don't  think it is the end for Shayna in terms of her fight career. 

I believe Shayna has a training problem: in  either the training she is receiving, or her ability to incorporate her training into something effective.  

Edmund didn't make her a striker, and i'm not sure Josh Bartnet is teaching Shayna dynamic footwork. See her fight vs Nunes,

Nunes was hopping around like a rabbit ,changing angles, looking for different entries, and from a physics standpoint, that movement was creating stored energy for potential kicks and punches.  In effect, Nunes dynamic movement in one second sends to her future self, 1 or 2 seconds in the future) the energy to launch a single or combo attack. 

Shayna in the meantime had the same left leg forward stance the entire time, and when Nunes moved, Shayna would rotate to face Nunes again with the exact same posture, so Nunes' target picture was always the same, making her job very easy.  Aim for that lead leg and take baseball swings at the knee to damage it.

Training with your friends is cool i guess, but that comfort may prevent you from seeking out a trainer who can create an optimal style for you.


As far as shayna's career, she is a super interesting colorful voice and personality.  She is scary smart - her abililty to recall and tell a story in a cool way is maybe among the highest of all WMMA chicks.  I'd like to see her doing commentating, and even reffing! I think she'd be a great "name brand" ref for WMMA like John Mcarthy is 





I agree with your assessment of Shayna and I dont think this is the end of her fight career. Roxanne was able to regroup and get back on track so I know Shayna can too if she is serious.  

Zwingli - I figured Irene Aldana would be in the UFC by now. She looked promising. There was another Mexican fighter as well. Can't remember her name at the moment.
Alexa Grasso, she is the other and she is so Dreamy. Phone Post 3.0

Sunkist1207 - 
Zwingli - I figured Irene Aldana would be in the UFC by now. She looked promising. There was another Mexican fighter as well. Can't remember her name at the moment.



Are you referring to Alexa Grasso?


I remember another member saying that Alexa and Irene come as a package deal or something along those lines.  Dana was really impressed by Alexa and Irene may be fighting for the 135lb Invicta belt soon so lets wait and see what happens

Yep. That's the one.

Sunkist1207 -
Nicktheissue265 - Hey guys and gals, one of my best training partners and friends will be making a huge name for herself in WMMA within the next couple years imo. She's been fighting since she was 15 and is sitting at a 3-1 record fighting grown ass women at 17 years old. If you have a moment go give the page on a facebook Gillian "The Valkerie" Noll a view and maybe even a like if you're feeling generous :D much love for the UG and really hoping to see the likes on her page skyrocket with the support of the UG army behind her! Phone Post 3.0


Hello Nicktheissue265


If you dont mind, I will post the information below for those viewing to get to know Gillian better. Please ask her to stop by and say hello :)


Gillian "The Valkyrie" Noll  3-1 Amateur 135lb div



Local northwest MMA fighter. Having her first fight only at 15, she is a true young blood in the sport! 





I absolutely don't mind :) thanks a ton and I'll try to get the Valkerie on to here! Phone Post 3.0

Meet Andrea "KGB" Lee- A 3x Muay Thai champion currently signed to the Invicta 125 div. Andrea is currently 2-1 but recently won her fight in Legacy FC


Shogun of Harlem - 
Sunkist1207 -

The thread below is reporting that Shayna was released today from the UFC



Upon checking the UFC site, Shayna is stil listed as a UFC fighter and her profile is still intact. Interesting that Jessamyn was given another fight even though she is also 0-2 in the UFC. I hate to see anyone lose thier job but if this is true,  this could be a blessing in disguise for Shayna. I have said in other threads that in my opinion, she either needs to leave CA and go start fresh at another gym or change her attitude towards her career . I know she has done some guest appearances for minor league wrestling promotions so that is an opportunity for her as well. In my opinion I don't  think it is the end for Shayna in terms of her fight career. 

<span class="User-103850" id="userPost53639784">That's unfortunate. I feel sorry for fighters like Shayna or Tara LaRosa who spent years building the sport and not able to reap the benefits. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>


Shogun of Harlem, 


I agree with you but as I mentioned I dont think its the end for Shayna or Tara. Tara was on a three fight losing streak but won her last fight so she is back on track again. I respect everyone who does what it takes to continue to pursue their dreams

Karnak - Sunkist1207

Yeah, I think we're somewhere in the middle on what this mystical UFC marketing machine actually does for fighters lol, versus it's true limitations with somebody as transcendent as a Rousey; but I'd also stay well clear of using PVZ as a legit reference point for proving Rousey's pathway to success will be replicated again too.

PVZ is perennially one credible top 10 match up away from defeat, and another year away from showing us the reality of where she is at within the 115 top 20; Zuffa's just taking major advantage of fans general lack of knowledge of 115, and the clear path it's given them to hand pick match up's for girls they see a potentially marketable.

None of what's happening with PVZ will make much sense a year or two from now, and other women will become far more prominent figures at 115, providing Zuffa with way more methods to intelligently promote the division as a whole.

So I don't know what more you expect the UFC to do in order to get women on a level you deem promotionally viable, but at this point it's not from magically creating multiple Rousey's, as this is plain fantasy in a niche sport we're still surprised to see one of her kind exist.

No amount of Zuffa push can create another female which could be used to headline a PPV card, pulling in anything like respectable numbers. But look at the dudes, and how many dudes can be called on to headline successful PPV cards...? Rousey's simply a freak, not an example of a possible norm.


As I mentioned previoiusly, Ronda's self promotion and the UFC's endorsment and investment is what catapulted her to the next level in terms of WMMA. Whether the UFC can replicate that success with another female fighter, who knows but at this point it is very obvious that the UFC is grooming Paige to possibly be the second "face" of WMMA in the UFC.  

Karnak- None of what's happening with PVZ will make much sense a year or two from now, and other women will become far more prominent figures at 115, providing Zuffa with way more methods to intelligently promote the division as a whole.

The 115lb division as a whole, in my opinion will be promoted when the UFC get enough women who they feel are marketable enought to spearhead that. I mean no disrespect to anyone but this is the truth.. I really hope you are correct that in the future other women in the divsion will be prominent but I hold my breath especially if those same methods being used to promote the 135 division are transferred to the 115 div

Karnak- So I don't know what more you expect the UFC to do in order to get women on a level you deem promotionally viable, but at this point it's not from magically creating multiple Rousey's, as this is plain fantasy in a niche sport we're still surprised to see one of her kind exist.

Rousey aside, the point I am presenting and pardon me if this is a repetition,  why are the other fighters in the 135lb division not given opportunities? Meisha was in Brazil recently helping to promote a UFC event. Why was Miesha chosen and not Sarah Kaufman or Alexis Davis? are they not UFC fighters?

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
Sunkist1207 - 
DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
Sunkist1207 - 

The thread below is reporting that Shayna was released today from the UFC



Upon checking the UFC site, Shayna is stil listed as a UFC fighter and her profile is still intact. Interesting that Jessamyn was given another fight even though she is also 0-2 in the UFC. I hate to see anyone lose thier job but if this is true,  this could be a blessing in disguise for Shayna. I have said in other threads that in my opinion, she either needs to leave CA and go start fresh at another gym or change her attitude towards her career . I know she has done some guest appearances for minor league wrestling promotions so that is an opportunity for her as well. In my opinion I don't  think it is the end for Shayna in terms of her fight career. 

I believe Shayna has a training problem: in  either the training she is receiving, or her ability to incorporate her training into something effective.  

Edmund didn't make her a striker, and i'm not sure Josh Bartnet is teaching Shayna dynamic footwork. See her fight vs Nunes,

Nunes was hopping around like a rabbit ,changing angles, looking for different entries, and from a physics standpoint, that movement was creating stored energy for potential kicks and punches.  In effect, Nunes dynamic movement in one second sends to her future self, 1 or 2 seconds in the future) the energy to launch a single or combo attack. 

Shayna in the meantime had the same left leg forward stance the entire time, and when Nunes moved, Shayna would rotate to face Nunes again with the exact same posture, so Nunes' target picture was always the same, making her job very easy.  Aim for that lead leg and take baseball swings at the knee to damage it.

Training with your friends is cool i guess, but that comfort may prevent you from seeking out a trainer who can create an optimal style for you.


As far as shayna's career, she is a super interesting colorful voice and personality.  She is scary smart - her abililty to recall and tell a story in a cool way is maybe among the highest of all WMMA chicks.  I'd like to see her doing commentating, and even reffing! I think she'd be a great "name brand" ref for WMMA like John Mcarthy is 





I agree with your assessment of Shayna and I dont think this is the end of her fight career. Roxanne was able to regroup and get back on track so I know Shayna can too if she is serious.  

I hate to be a jerkmonger but every girl Josh Bartnett touches is not just beaten, but annihilated. Jess Sha, and Colleen Schneider.  I think they should all go their separate training ways and find a trainer who can completely rebuild them from the ground up.  


 I think they should all go their separate training ways and find a trainer who can completely rebuild them from the ground up. 




I 100% agree with you point. Ive said the same several times. However,  Jessamyn is doing her camp at CSW so I am reserving my opinion on her training there until after her next fight. 

Meet Herica Tiburcio- The 22 year old Atomweight who in her first Invicta fight shocked the world by defeating Michelle Waterson to become the new Invicta Atomeweight champ





I'm happy to see people posting seriously in this thread. :)

Serena DeJesus (actor in that movie) is one of my best friends and training partner. XD

If anybody wants to improve or rebuild themselves, they should train with my coach John Wood. :D

Rox19 - I'm happy to see people posting seriously in this thread. :)
Trust me I'm shocked. Happy, but shocked Phone Post 3.0

Rox19 - If anybody wants to improve or rebuild themselves, they should train with my coach John Wood. :D
Roxy any chance you could throw Gillian a like on her page or maybe even share it would mean the world to an aspiring wmma fighter Phone Post 3.0

Karnak - Sunkist1207

The UFC can only do so much with somebody like a PVZ though. She's always going to be handicapped with having to compete against a few notable/superior women in her weight class, and for all of her niche appeal to the UFC's core audience, still doesn't appear to have any personality to engage with a wider audience on her own terms either.

Then we look at a Grasso, and see the UFC having the 2.0 version of a PVZ anyway; but this time possessing better inside the cage talent, with out side the ring Mexican/Latin American appeal, that will allow the promotion to push her to the top at a much quicker rate than they ever could PVZ too.

Like Rousey, or McGreggor, both Zuffa and fighter will only ever benefit from this kind of organic promotional potential, but it's still on the fighter to deliver when their inside the cage.

Talking relentless shit, being a national icon, holding your self up as an inspirational figure, or simply being a legit badass... there doesn't appear to be a single guaranteed pathway to a fighter finding major popularity as an MMA fighter within wider sports/public consciousness.

So even though I keep reading you saying the women's 135 division isn't promoted correctly, your not highlighting anything which provides proof of the women having it any worse than any male 135er. There's been no reason to believe Zuffa aren't allowing other women to showcase qualities which would have them become bigger than they are right now.

Be it Constantly taking selfie ass shots, showing low budget cleavage for UFC's mouth breathing fans, expecting promotional hand outs from Zuffa, not wanting to do extra media, or simply fucking around with PED's, is surely only ever going to limit your ceiling in this sport as a female athlete.. no? And yet this could describe 90-95% of the UFC's female roster lol.



Karnak-The UFC can only do so much with somebody like a PVZ though. She's always going to be handicapped with having to compete against a few notable/superior women in her weight class, and for all of her niche appeal to the UFC's core audience, still doesn't appear to have any personality to engage with a wider audience on her own terms either.

To be fair to Paige, she is still very young in her MMA career but what she does have to offer is enough for her to secure an exclusive Reebok deal and for Dana to be very interested in promoting her as a star and allow her to take advantage of the UFC "PR Machine" and that is the point I have been presenting. 

 Karnak-So even though I keep reading you saying the women's 135 division isn't promoted correctly, your not highlighting anything which provides proof of the women having it any worse than any male 135er. There's been no reason to believe Zuffa aren't allowing other women to showcase qualities which would have them become bigger than they are right now. 

It is very obvious that the womens division in the UFC is held to a different standard than the mens division. The UFC have held roughly 17 events to date and most if not all have had a WMMA fight booked on that card but where is the promotion for those fights? Most of those fights are on the prelim card and I say this respectfully when half the arena is empty and from what I gather most members here have no interest.  Look at the build up to UFC fights, How often do you see anyone not named Ronda or Miesha promoting  fight cards or attending UFC events? Again I mean no disrespect to Ronda or Miesha and do not fault them for taking advantage of opportunities presented to them but a circle is a circle and it keeps coming around to those two fighters. 


Karnak-Be it Constantly taking selfie ass shots, showing low budget cleavage for UFC's mouth breathing fans, expecting promotional hand outs from Zuffa, not wanting to do extra media, or simply fucking around with PED's, is surely only ever going to limit your ceiling in this sport as a female athlete.. no? And yet this could describe 90-95% of the UFC's female roster lol.

Dana said recently that Ronda will do all media promotional work for the UFC. I personally have not heard of any other female fighter not wanting to progress in her career or deny the opportunity to get on a plane and do media-please correct me if this is wrong. So with respect,  that is an unfair assumption to make unless you can present facts. I cannot say I have developed a huge appreciation for Felice Herrig but one of the reasons why I respect her other than the fact that she is a fighter,  is because she is a promotional monster(I say this respectfully) Whether fighters do things in good or bad taste, that is a matter of personal opinion but fighters like Bec Rawlings and Felice Herrig are doing what they need to do to have us talk about them. Good or bad publicity is still publicity. Ronda has said some pretty tasteless things about others and I also recall the video she retweeted regarding a conspiracy theory on the Sandy Hook tragedy but none of those things are limiting her ceiling in WMMA. My intention is not to be disrespectful by mentioning this but transgressions of some of the male fighters make the women look like angels yet very few are limited because of that. 


Vote ups to every one contributing. Thank you :)



Tecia Torres getting ready for her fight against Angela Hill next week

After suffering two losses and being released from her UFC contract, Sheila Gaff has found herself a new home in XFC. Sheila is going back to SW after being in my opinion, undersized for the UFC's Bantamweight division. Shiela is currently 10-6


Xtreme Fighting Championships announces the signing of women’s Strawweight Sheila “The German Tank” Gaff. Having fought across the globe for just under a decade Gaff has been able to reach the pinnacle of women’s mma, while fighting some of the best in the sport. Looking to take another step in her career will take place in Season III of the XFC’s International rendition.
Known for exploding out of the corner along with one-punch knockout power has earned “The German Tank” a 10-6 record, with a handful of victories by way of KO/TKO. Since her pro debut on September 23rd, 2006 Sheila Gaff has won almost half of her fights by submission, all in under the first five minutes of round 1. Her tenacity and relentless attack makes her a must watch fighter for Season III and beyond.
The German warrior has experience fighting in Brazil and will look to that as she prepares to make her first appearance inside the hexagon. Within the tight confines Sheila Gaff will have space to her advantage and will force her opponents to be prepared for her explosive attack. The next generation of mma is coming to Miss Gaff, stay tuned for what she does with it.
- See more at: http://xfcmma.com/the-german-tank-sheila-gaff-signs-with-the-xfc-for-season-iii-xfc-signing/#sthash.7NzgD0qI.dpuf

Meet Jemyma Betrain -24 years old and the current WBC Muay Thai Bantamweight champ. 35-2-1

She is currently 2-0 in MMA in the straw weight division and trains at the Glendale Fight Club.  Jemyma has yet to sign with Invicta or the UFC