I honestly didnât know O Malley got the decision until the day after. it seemed like such an obvious win for Yan that I went out for a smoke with a few people. And whoever was still inside said that Yan had won all 3 rounds when I came back in. Crazy retarded judging
Just rewatched. I originally had it 29-28 Yan, now I am leaning 30-27 Yan.
The no. 1 criteria is damage but that is also flawed. What do you do when someone gets a kneebar early, tears the other guyâs knee apart but then proceeds to get the shit beaten out of him for 3 rounds? Still did more damage but he didnât win the fight.
Then who is landing harder? That is pretty hard to measure but Iâd argue that Sean was way more rocked than Yan.
Either way, if you found a way to score this fight for Sean then you should be sent to prison and share a cell with the other two judges and Brett Rogers.
Sean landed more punches
Yan did get takedowns but did zero with them no damage
Sean did Damage and it showed on Yanâs face
Very close fight but based on Damage and strikes landed good decision win for Sean
In my humble opinion, Sean landed punches, on Yanâs arms. Which Iâd expect him to do since he has the reach advantage. Yan got takedowns, and damage from them was lackluster, but Sean didnât just get up from the takedowns like it was nothing. And Sean cut Yan ONCE, but thatâs one hell of an absurd criteria they need to get rid of, to be honest.
Damage is too subjective. Some guys get hit once and look like they got ran over by a truck while others can get in a fight with a pick axe and still not look worse for wear.
Youâre talking about cosmetic damage to which GSP and Fedor were the worst. However, while still subjective, you have to look at the immediate impact of the strikes - did it rock or daze someone, did it snap their head back, etc etc.
I gave OâMalley round 1. Round 2 was clearly yans. Round 3 could have gone either way but I gave the edge to OâMalley.
Could have gone either way but this is not a robbery