HOSTILE TAKEOVER: After Ank's KO tonight, predict future UFC champs from the Soviet region

You’re like a fat, stank chick who can’t take a hint :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You have the choice not to click on my threads like an obsessed freak but here you are all day and everyday



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This what? Dude cropped half my post and took a picture, saved it on his PC and posts it in every single one of my threads. This is a middle aged man we’re talking about. Think about how pathetic that is and get back to me :joy:

He owns you Jack. You should just dick tuck and walk away

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You’re just mad because you lost the bet to me and were named @MerridewTheGOAT for a year


The beauty of the sport is though, is that we get to find out.

We’re going to see how all these Russians do on their pursuit to the titles and how many champion belts Team Khabib will win. Maybe this very thread will be bumped for years to come like the thread where I banked more heavily on a fighter than anyone in UG history and called the round.

hahaha and yet you were either too broke or too pussy to actually bet on it, plus your dumbass got it wrong anyway as it was a sub and not a ko soooo… wtf :joy:

doesn’t matter if you pick the round if you can’t pick the method, dumb fuck. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Yeah I remember that. Does Jack want me to bring that up because there’s pictures to show otherwise on the forum. I tried to get him to make a simple $20 bet and he wouldn’t even do that. He wasn’t confident enough to do that and I can prove that too. @anon22089824 put you in your place now know it

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What I said was that people shouldn’t underestimate Islam’s striking.

People actually laughed at that.

And that’s exactly the sequence that won him the fight.


Actually, all I remember is not wanting to go through a third party site to hold our money and wanting to do an SN bet, which you lost and are now still salty about.


hahaha wtf, there are a heap of reputable sites for betting, you were afraid to put a bet on because of what? you think a betting site is going to scam you out of your $20? lol we all know thats a lot of money for you but what a pathetic excuse.

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Same reason you won’t post your ugly mug here, I’m not lending out my personal info to any third party site… nobody gives a shit about 20 bucks except broke bums like you.

:joy: it wasn’t even a betting site it was a pvp transaction using the Cash App and he dick tucked

For 20 bucks… I’m going to go through some bullshit cash app :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Your SN was much more satisfying to me than 20 bucks would be @MerridewTheGOAT


I said both but you wasn’t willing because you wasn’t confident enough in your boy to go all the way. So you folded.

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You lost either way… suck it up @MerridewTheGOAT

Okay so now you admit that it’s fair for me not to post a pic of myself when you’ve tried to talk shit to me about that in the past. Then you call me a broke bum when it’s a $20 bet that YOU turned down that we are talking about.

You are so dumb sometimes I wonder how you can’t see the constant hypocrisy in the bullshit you spew on here.

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lol look at this pathetic retard scraping and scrambling. typing then not typing then typing… you’ve already had to resort to complete hypocrisies etc. just give up idiot


It’s what he does when he knows he can’t say shit. You put him in his place


haha so fkn owned and he knows it. and having to just regurgitate our insults and use them back at us because his dumbass can’t think of anything valid to say. What a complete and utter imbecile

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